Thursday, August 21, 2008

Help.....I've been bitten by the GLASS Bug!!!!!!

I attended the Bead and Button Show in June and came away with a wealth of new knowledge! I was so excited during my 7 days of classes that I became well known for my beaming smile and eager, enthusiastic deminer.

I learned to work with silver metal clay (PMC) and was so inspired that I was ready to take all the certification classes right then and there. I then took several lampworking classes. And upon my return home I found that the more time I spent at the torch the more time I wanted to spend! I do so love working with the fine silver but the challenge of the glass has been addicting!

I have to find a way to intigrate an oxygen/propane torch into my work area. But right now the cost of that set up is beyond my reach so I'll have to be content with the hot head, all those empty yellow mapp gas containers that are laying around because I haven't found out how to dispose of them, changing those bottles out every 3 to 4 hours as they go empty and working much slower than my brain wants to deal with..........sighhhhhh!

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